Saturday, January 13, 2018

CNSTRCTN, Vol.VIII, #3 More Definition Enticing

Memories like birds, fleeting--one must grasp and hold in heart's hand.

All three photos this time will center of the new CLC since that's where the action has been.  The first gives a sweeping picture of what stage the center is in currently.  All the walls are gone except the one between the president's old office and the old classroom.  For those familiar with the old lavatory, you may remember that there was a door, kept locked, across from the last toilet.  That led into a very short passageway into the president's office (originally the snack lounge). The space was used for storage.  Notice on the left side of the first photo, the last remnant of that passageway.


The second photo shows most of the same area but from the foyer end.  Recognizable is the side door which is now within the new enclosed extension of the CLC.  Yes, the outside wall that you see must come down eventually.  The third photo shows the last wall to come down inside the building.  It is the one between the president's office and the class room.  It is the tan wall that you see toward the right in the second photo.  Enlarging that photo more will help you to see how the defunct lavatory with its tile walls,  and the president's office with painted walls figure into the future finished space.
The men have been working at this dismantling before and after classes this past week.  One morning the girls could see the man drilling just inside the new window that opens onto the foyer.  The one photo that blogger missed because she didn't have her iPad with her was one that would have shown a front loader right up against the current outside door.  This view was also through the foyer window into the CLC area.  Neat shot missed.

Ah, but there will be others captured.  Stay tuned.

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