Memories, like birds, fleeting. We must grasp and hold in heart's hands.
With Thanksgiving upon us, it is fitting that we look at the last 12 months or so to see what advances have given us occasions of thanks for the progress of each month. While blogger can't show each step along the way, she has chosen one or two for each month that can stand as significant.
November and December of 2017:

An essential part of the construction of the elevator:
The demolition of the old rest room off the side door, and the empty shelves in the library:
Moving on to January and February of 2018, the wall between the president's old office and rm. 112.
The scene in chapel already under roof and waiting for the window frames to be remove will also see the wall come down soon, as you may recall seeing in the Feb/Mar. blogs on this same station, i.e. CONST..

March and April saw the altar top (over a ton in weight) removed and being carried out of the building for storage, and the completion of the balcony floor with the two doors for access to/from the new elevator. This is at the back of chapel.
May brought the emptying of the kitchen, no small task, and, in June, the first move in destroying the staircase right outside the kitchen, both harbinger of exciting things to come. The third photo shows the floor frame of the elevator floor, with a bit of the mechanism showing beneath, again very promising.
July brought warmer weather, of course, but the heat didn't daunt our intrepid workers. July also showed us the floor being created in the stairwell space. This new floor will be used for a few cafeteria related items.

JulyThe month also brought new endeavors at the other end of the building with the workmen were in a space that was becoming more and more unique and hinting at the sacred.
In August the auditorium came close to sporting its new addition, bringing us closer to its grand display. Spanish Steps? What are they? We soon found out.

September did not sound so melancholy as the old September song suggested. In fact, the tardy beginning of school brought willing and able young ladies, eager to help get the school ready. And then...!

Hardly lamentation.

And finally October. Chapel taking on more and more promises
of wonderful things to come
Chapel is a good place to end this calendar-album. November is not over, of course, but the photos here certainly give us here at NDA--its administration, faculty, and staff, and maybe some of the students, too, additions to our list of blessings on Thursday. On that note, blogger wants to say thanks to all who stop by on your computers to see what's going on at CNSTRCTN.
Have a blest Thanksgiving, seeing God's presence in food and the people you are dining with .