The windows are in: TaaDaaaaa!!!! (hear echo many times over.) Here they are in order of replacement.
But first, the washing of the inside of the storm windows, then process, the work of installing the stained glass panes.
What you see here is a stack of #3 panels for each window (they look dark because they are stacked with no light shining through). The next photo shows two men lifting the third panel to the man on the lift. The one in the white shirt is the restorer of the windows, very attentive that the installation will make the windows perfectly secure. And so they will be, with all the skews and bolts going into the cross bars and into the wall through the frames.
and finally, all three windows receiving the early morning sun. And the angel choirs sang
So now, "...there remain these three, faith (fides), hope (spes), and charity (caritas)". And we are thrilled!
Have a good week, made such with these three in your mind, heart, and deed. God bless.