Monday, February 13, 2017

A Week to Own!

Memories like birds, fleeting--one must grasp and hold in heart's hands.

Yes, we do Catholic Schools Week up in style.  The Faculty Bulletin for the week was titled “Catholic Schools Week: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service”, and so it was celebrated!  Clothing is always important to young ladies (little girls at heart) and so each day was given to a different clothing theme:  Monday—uniform (always a good place to start--more on this below); Tuesday—sisterhood sleepover, faculty and staff and students wear PJs (no, not all did); Wednesday—dress down and girls can dress as boys (they love to do this); Thursday—grade school uniform, or college sports wear for faculty; Friday—faculty dress as in the decade they were born, while students dress in assigned decades: frosh as in  ‘50s, sophs as in ‘60s, etc.  Yes, on Friday we saw expanded hairdos and poodle skirts and lots more.

Accompanying the grade-school attire on Thursday was the chance for recess in the gym in a 45 minute lunch period.  Ah, to be young again.

Entertainment comes on Friday as well.  The students come to the auditorium to enjoy the display of talents in fellow students in our annual Talent Show.  Even teachers have talent!  Great fun.

Food is big thing, too, of course.  On Monday a team of SNDs served the students free ice-cream sundaes and on Friday, the girls could buy Skyline Chili delights.  Thursday brought a favorite—macaroni and cheese.  The way to the soul is through the body (actually good theology).

Now, speaking of soul, we don’t neglect the Catholic part of our identity.  Every Catholic Schools Week here at NDA begins with Holy Mass with the Bishop as Presider if he is available (he was this year).  The Mass is, of course, for blessings on the school and all Catholic schools.  

In addition, here at NDA we celebrate our Sisters of Notre Dame whose seed planting in 1906 (in beginning a high school) are still blossoming in this place.  Several Sisters will stay to enjoy a special lunch for them and then go into the auditorium to serve the sundaes.

Well, you ask, is there any educating/learning going on in this span of time?  It’s a legitimate question, and the happy answer is, of course, YES!  If you walk down the halls past open doors you will hear classes going on as usual.  Some will have a slightly different flavor to them (we are human, after all), but most will be business as usual.  “Will this be on the test?”  “Yes.”

So that’s what Catholic Schools week is at NDA.  We do it all with class!  Lower class women are looking forward to next year’s celebration already!  Seniors?  Well, they’ll just have to carry the spirit in their hearts.

Remember that you can always enlarge the photos by clicking on them.